Origin & Research


Origin & Research

Origin of our story:

The movie's genre is thriller suspense and action and Neo-Noir

The main inspiration for the movie are the movies John wick and limitless and Tenet

These movies are mainly suspenseful but our main inspiration is John Wick as the movie is mainly an action film but our secondary inspiration is limitless or tenet as it has a lot of suspense and mystery throughout each of its scenes. 
The reason we took John Wick as our main inspiration is that our story is similar in the way our MC gets called for a job after retirement and he takes it but has the mission to kill someone under the antagonist's order.


I've been working on my opening screenplay ever since I came up with my narrative line. Just in terms of the scene's overall action flow has it been moving along rather well. I came to the conclusion that this was a long way from becoming the opening scene. I felt the need to learn about opening scene customs and the structure of an opening scene as a result.

Ever since I arrived at my plot line, I’ve been working on my screenplay for the opening. It has been progressing quite well, but only in terms of the flow of events in the scene. I realized that this was quite distant from being an opening scene. Hence I felt the need to research on opening scene conventions, and how an opening scene works.
for example:




The John Wick film series has a dark color scheme because it gives violent moments in movies more depth and gives the impression that the language is serious 

This is part of our Research as we had to decide the Color tone of our film
